Frequently Asked Questions
Below are questions we may ask you to help better understand your repair job.
What is the problem and nature of the repair work?
How many pairs?
Are these items palletized? If "yes", how many pallets?
Are any of the pallets a higher priority or being shipped to a separate location?
If NuShoe is providing the packing materials, what are the specs.?
If NuShoe is grading, what are the ranges that are acceptable?
Will the quality correction be shipped back to a distribution center, or to individual retailers?
Can you send us samples?
How did you hear about NuShoe?
How urgent/what is your timetable?
Are they in case packs, or only individual pairs?
Do you need the items inventoried?
Will packaging be replaced, including tissue paper, eco bags, etc? Will you be supplying those items?
Is there any sorting (i.e. separating quality grade levels)?
Color range allowed—what level of error on the original is allowable?
Can you send us a photo of the problem?
Will you provide Go-By samples?
If a referral, who recommended our services to you?
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8534 Siempre Viva Road
San Diego, CA 92154